Today Brody and I celebrated our 8
th Anniversary. Every year on our anniversary he has gotten me a dozen red roses with a white rose for each year that we have been married. It seems only like yesterday that the red roses over powered the whites. Today as I reflect on those years, the white roses symbolize God's strength and love in our marriage. We were young, 20 and 21. I owe the success of our marriage to my Lord and Savior and am so thankful we found him to be the "Rock" of our marriage.
We celebrated our anniversary on Saturday with dinner downtown and a movie to follow. For 2 hours we talked over dinner, we laughed, and enjoyed every bite of our dinner unintterupted by little man. I don't remember the last time we got to have dinner just the two of us. It was an absolutely wonderful evening!
I found this poem a while back and have wanted to frame it with a picture in our room. I haven't found the picture to go with it yet, but I decided to make Brody a card this year and put the poem on the front. Then this evening I found our wedding handouts, with this poem in it. Wow, no wonder I like it so much!
The Promise
Across the years I will walk with you
in deep green forests, on shores of sand,
and when our time on earth is through,
in heaven, too, you will have my hand.