Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Clayton's Motorcycle Party

(I used the above picture for the invitations. We borrowed our neighbors little motorcycle to take the picture on.)
We celebrated Clayton's 2nd birthday at the park across the street from our house last Saturday. (His actual birthday is this Saturday the 19th and we will be camping for the weekend with friend.) "Practice makes perfect" paid off this year. Last year we had lots of people at our house with dinner and Clayton histarically cried and missed half of the party. I wasn't sure what to expect this year; I just knew I wanted to have it somewhere other than our house and to go simple with just cake. Clayton ended up having a blast and so did all the other kids!

When I decided what to do for the cake I realized it decribes him perfectly at 2 years old: motorcycles, dirt, and rocks. He loves to watch motorcycles and points them out when he hears them "cycle" "vroom, vroom" He loves playing in the dirt in our garden box and loves picking up rocks and throwing them in water.
I started with a 9x13 sheet cake and then also made to round cakes to make jumps for the motorcycles on the cake. I used chocolate graham crackers for the dirt and found rock candy to add to the cake. Clayton was so excited when he saw his cake; too bad I didn't get it on video.
Clayton and his friends waiting patiently for cake.
I found a motorcycle pinata at WINCO. The kids had so much fun trying to break it open. Clayton thought it was so funny to hit it. He looked at everyone and giggled.

My months of planning this party felt much rewarded with the joy my little man expressed on this day. We all had such a fun time!


  1. Looks like you had a great party!!! I love checking in to see how you and the boys are doing! Hope you are all well!

  2. omg that pinata is perfect!! can you please tell me where you purchased it. please

    thank you
