Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A vacation to Nuevo Vallarta

Relaxing by the pool. Before we ever knew we were moving; we planned a trip to Mexico to my parents timeshare with my family. So we got settled into our new home and Brody his new job and then we got a little vacation from it all. We sure enjoyed every bit of the sunshine and warm weather! It hasn't been much above 40 degrees here since November. It was just beautiful and so peaceful being at the ocean! I could have been perfectly content relaxing on the beach listening to the waves and building sandcastle with Clayton the entire time. Vacations before kids was defined at sleeping in, an afternoon nap in the sun and a nice quiet dinner filled with good conversation and any sight seeing/adventures we wanted to do. Now they are defined as rising with the sun, playing in the water and sand, indigestion from eating too fast and to bed with the kids. We did do a couple adventures: whale watching and went with the family zip-lining and Brody, Clayton and I hung out by the water. Next time we will do without the adventures because Clayton had to be confined to one spot so we had an unhappy boy and unhappy parents. By the end of the week, we realized we all had the best time at our resort, in the pool or down by the ocean.

Clayton and his cousin Logan. These boys had so much fun!
Brody had to quickly overcome his fear of snakes because Clayton really wanted to hold one! My little man has no fear of anything.

The boat ride out to see whales. We got to see dolphins and whales on the trip. It was short lived fun for Clayton because he couldn't run all over the boat with wide-open rails all the way around.
Clayton loved playing in the sand! Who needs shovels when you can use your head?
He is a little fish; he was jumping in and going under.

I wanted some pictures of us walking down the beach. Of course, I waited until the last day and Clayton wasn't too excited about pictures then. You take whatever you can get with kids.


  1. Wow Danna, this post REALLY makes me want a Mexico vacation!

    These are such great pictures and you look adorable!! I totally know what you mean- there is such a huge difference between vacations before kids and with them. Eric isn't too excited about going anywhere these days because he says it's easier just to stay home. :)

  2. Thanks Morgan! The kids will soon be old enough to really enjoy a vacation with them:) This will probably be our last one for awhile.

  3. Beautiful pictures! I love the one of Clayton with his head in the sand and relaxing by the pool. Too cute! So glad you had a chance to get away!
